Take our free online Training Placement Questionnaire to discover the right course for you


One of the best ways to ensure an enjoyable, rewarding training experience is to choose the right course for your experience and skill.

If you do not know an answer, leave it blank—it will be counted as incorrect. Results are confidential and will only be emailed to the provided email address and reviewed by an RJG team member. Once you’ve received your results, use the scoring guide to help you choose a course that’ll fit your needs.

Though this provides a rough guideline, we highly recommend contacting your RJG team before registering for a class to ensure that it will best meet your needs.

Scoring Guide

76% or higher recommended level: Advanced

51 – 75% recommended level: Intermediate

50% or lower recommended level: Introductory

  • Informazione
  • Math
  • Part
  • Materiale
  • Stampo
  • Macchina:
  • Processo:
  • Non conformità:

Informazioni di contatto

Via e numero, casella postale, c/o.
Appartamento, suite, impianto, palazzo, piano, ecc.
How did you hear about RJG *
  1. RJG, INC. practices GDPR compliance for all individuals regardless of country of residence.”
  2. Organizations using Course Assessments, are encouraged to practice GDPR compliance also.
  3. Submitting a ‘Course Assessment’ to RJG, Inc. provides an opportunity to discuss training for you and/your company.
  4. Requesting your data to be removed from RJG, Inc., does not affect your training history. Training data is kept indefinitely for historical purposes for the contact’s company

Take our online assessment to see what course is right for you.


Get in touch